The Proven 7-Figure Net Worth Blueprint

Elon Musk: THIS will be bigger than Tesla


Hello. I'm James Altucher. I've been called a “genius investor” by my fans… And an “eccentric millionaire” by some others. I think it's because I make big predictions… That tend to come true. Today, I'm revealing a brand-new prediction:

American manufacturing will leave China…

And make a triumphant return to America…

Thanks to AI-powered robots.

The technology is being developed right now. I'm talking about, among others… Elon Musk's Optimus robots. These robots are autonomous workers… Embedded with a smart “AI brain”. Musk is going to use thousands of them in Tesla factories… AI robots will make it cheaper to manufacture goods here in America than China. And they'll create new American jobs in construction, maintenance, transportation, management, and more. Musk believes the potential of these robots is almost limitless… And could soon exceed Tesla's revenues… He's even said his robots have the potential to be used in homes… To make dinner and do housework… Care for the elderly… Or even hinted at them… Being a buddy or “romantic companion” for lonely people. Now that may sound strange… (And perhaps it is.) But I've learned not to bet against Musk's vision. And this is just one of the ways AI will transform our economy and society. In fact, I now predict… Between now and January 9, 2024… Next generation AI technology will open a “wealth window”… That could be the biggest wealth-building opportunity of your lifetime. I now expect AI to be the first $100 TRILLION industry. There could be trillions available to those who get in early… Today, for the first time… I'm showing good Americans exactly what to do… Go here now to see my plan… For investing in AI during this brief “wealth window”.

P.S. If you missed out on crypto, this could be your second chance. The AI “wealth window” is opening now, but you must get in before January 9, 2024. Don't delay. See all the details you need here.

By Alexander Green

The Federal Reserve recently reported that last year the average net worth of American families topped $1 million for the first time, surging 42% from $749,000 in 2019.

Inflation rose sharply over this period, too.

Yet, even after inflation, real average wealth was up 23%, according to the Fed’s Survey of Consumer Finances.

This is something to celebrate. (Perhaps especially if you’re one of these new millionaires.)

Money gives you choices – not least of all the freedom to choose how to live your life.

Yet the Grinch isn’t just a fictional character created by Dr. Suess. Many are angry about our nation’s rising wealth.

Why? Because prosperity creates inequality. And that’s unfair.

Or is it? Let’s take a closer look at what is happening and why.

That nation’s average household net worth of more than $1 million is skewed by the relatively small number of multimillionaires and billionaires.

About 16 million Americans – just over 12% – have a net worth that exceeds $1 million. Approximately 8 million families are multimillionaires.

These households tend to have higher incomes. They generally earn between $150,000 and $250,000 a year.

Yet millions of families with middle-class incomes have also joined The Seven-Figure Club.

What are they doing that other middle-class families aren’t?

They are being smart about money. That means they are paying down high-interest debt, contributing to an IRA or 401(k), building equity in a home, and earning better-than-average returns in the stock market.

Over the past few years, in particular, Americans accumulated trillions of dollars more than they were on track to save before the pandemic.

COVID relief and stimulus spending – along with a government shutdown that prevented them from blowing it – is one reason.

Savings increased. Interest rates rose. As a result, the total assets in money market funds recently hit a record of nearly $6 trillion.

That’s good news. But only if you were a saver.

Residential real estate continued to rise in value. Also good – but only if you own a home.

Stock prices are considerably higher than they were in 2019.

Still more good news if you’re one of the 61% of Americans who own equities, either directly or through mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.

In short, the recent jump in the number of millionaire families had something to do with government largesse.

But it had more to do with personal financial decisions.

Let’s set aside for a moment the families who earn too little to save.

(We should have compassion for these folks, especially at this time of year.)

Tens of millions of Americans with average or above-average incomes – consumers who splurge on designer brands, drive late-model cars, eat out regularly and treat themselves more than occasionally – made a conscious decision not to save or invest.

Some would say they are reaping what they sowed.

More to the point, they didn’t sow. After all, making fresh investments is like planting seeds.

Just as the tiny acorn turns into a mighty oak, small investments – left alone to compound over years or even decades – will turn an average investor into a millionaire or multimillionaire.

The folks who save and invest get richer. They also leave those who don’t further behind.

But unequal doesn’t necessarily mean unfair.

All that’s needed to become a millionaire – or turn a million-dollar portfolio into a multimillion-dollar fortune – is to work, save, invest and compound.

Yes, it takes discipline and patience.

Yet tens of millions of Americans whose wealth would define them as poor today will one day be rich.

As a young man in my 20s, for example, I had no job security, no savings, no health insurance, no investment portfolio and a net worth of approximately zero.

Looking around at the time, my friends and neighbors were pretty much all in the same boat. Yet that changed over time.

Polls show that my experience was not unusual.

For example, only 1% of families under 35 are millionaires. But that rises dramatically with age.

By ages 55 to 64, more than 1 in 5 families are millionaires. In fact, 11% of those in this age group have a net worth of over $5 million.

Don’t get me wrong. There is still plenty of economic struggle in the U.S.

Yet many of these folks are lacking only direction – and a plan of action. We’re happy to provide them here.

The Rise of AI 2.0


Hi, James Altucher here. No doubt, you've seen the news media rave about NVIDIA's stellar performance. Their recent earnings blowout didn't disappoint… With record revenues of $18.12 billion, up a whopping 206% from just a year ago. And thanks to the massive AI boom, future earnings will likely continue to crush expectations. If you already owned NVIDIA stock before the jump – congratulations. But if you didn't, don't worry… Because NVIDIA isn't the biggest tech opportunity on my radar… Today, I want to show you how I believe… Between now and January 9, 2024… AI 2.0 will open a brief “wealth window”… I believe this “wealth window” could deliver huge returns in 2024 – which could dwarf NVIDIA's recent surge. In fact, I now predict that AI will be the first $100 TRILLION industry. That means trillions up for grabs to those who get in early… But this rare “wealth window” will slam shut on January 9, 2024. That's why you need to act now… I've put everything you need to know in this video [HERE]… So click here to discover how this “wealth window” could help make you richer in 2024.