The 3 Best American Tech Stocks to Buy Now

The “Second NVIDIA” is about to soar


The artificial intelligence (AI) boom just created one of the biggest companies in the world. I'm talking about Nvidia. The firm is worth more than $1 trillion thanks to this explosion. However, most people don't realize Nvidia just got lucky! Because for most of its history, Nvidia has been focused on an entirely different industry – video games. You see, Nvidia's chips have been designed to serve just one purpose… To create ultrarealistic graphics in games such as Call of Duty and Counter-Strike. In other words… This technology was never meant to power AI. And that's also the reason why Nvidia could soon crash and burn… Because there's a new player in town – one that owns a patent-protected chip specifically designed to run AI on. This makes it much more powerful than Nvidia's gaming tech. I'm talking about a 100x performance boost. The U.S. Air Force, Cisco, and Raytheon are just some of this firm's early elite clients. But soon this chip will be available to the mainstream… And if you position yourself before it reaches the mass market, you could turn every $1 into $120… Just like early Nvidia investors did. Keith just published an urgent presentation on this unique opportunity. Inside, he explains all the details and how you can position yourself today. Get the full story here while there's still time.

In this investment report, we delve deep into the American technology sector, a realm where innovation meets opportunity, and where discerning investors can find gems that promise not only growth but resilience in an ever-evolving market.

The journey to uncover these stocks was no less than an expedition through the dynamic landscape of the tech world. My approach, honed from years of experience and a passion for precision, involved an intricate analysis of market trends, company fundamentals, and future growth potential. Leaning on the teachings of investment legends and my own rigorous research, I navigated through the noise and hype that often cloud the tech sector.

I centered my search on companies not just excelling in their current operations, but also those showing a forward-thinking approach, adapting to technological advancements and evolving consumer needs. I considered a myriad of factors – from financial health, innovation pipelines, and market position to management quality and competitive moats.

Furthermore, I applied a unique lens shaped by my background and investment philosophy. As a proponent of economic freedom and a skeptic of transient trends like ESG investing, I sought companies that align with these principles, focusing on long-term value creation rather than short-term fads.

The result of this extensive research and analysis is a concise list of three top American tech stocks that stand out for their robust potential and strategic positioning in the current market landscape. These companies, each a leader in its respective domain, are poised to capitalize on technological advancements and emerging market trends.

In the following sections of this report, we will explore each of these three American tech stocks in detail, dissecting their strengths, potential challenges, and why they represent a smart investment choice in today’s tech-driven world. Join me on this journey through the high-stakes world of tech investing, where we aim not just to participate in the market, but to outmaneuver it for superior returns. Welcome to the forefront of tech investing, where precision, strategy, and insight come together to create a portfolio poised for success.

Skyworks Solutions (SWKS)

First up, let's talk about Skyworks Solutions. This semiconductor giant is flying high in the 5G skies. As a former Navy fighter pilot, I appreciate precision and Skyworks' ability to consistently deliver top-notch radio frequency components is just that. With the onset of 5G, the demand for their products is skyrocketing. Yes, they face stiff competition, and their heavy reliance on Apple could be seen as a vulnerability, but their diversification moves, especially in the automotive sector, are promising. With a Morningstar price to fair value ratio of 0.78, indicating it's 22% undervalued, and a narrow moat rating, I see Skyworks Solutions as an opportunity for those ready to embrace a bit of turbulence for potential gains.

Teradyne (TER)

Next, Teradyne – a leader in the semiconductor equipment space. This company is the epitome of military-grade precision and strength in the tech sector. They're a critical player in automated test equipment, and their strong relationships with industry giants like Apple and Taiwan Semiconductor highlight their strategic importance. Teradyne’s expertise in high-growth areas like robotics is an added advantage. With a Morningstar price to fair value ratio of 0.76, suggesting it's 24% undervalued, and a wide economic moat rating, Teradyne stands out as a strong, if slightly aggressive, bet.

Paycom Software (PAYC)

Finally, let’s discuss Paycom Software. In the ever-evolving battlefield of software applications, Paycom is a nimble and effective warrior. Their unified platform for payroll and human capital management is a game-changer, particularly for midsize and enterprise clients. Their approach to integrating various HR functions into a single, user-friendly system is revolutionary. Despite the high uncertainty rating, with a Morningstar price to fair value ratio of 0.73, showing it's 27% undervalued, and a narrow moat rating, Paycom Software is poised for significant growth, especially as they continue to capture more market share.

#1 AI stock trading for $6


AI is by far the biggest tech investing trend of 2024. But Ross Givens says the #1 artificial intelligence stock is NOT Microsoft, Google, Amazon or Apple. Nope – his research is pointing to a tiny, under-the-radar stock that's trading for just $6 right now… And could soon shoot to the moon, handing early investors a windfall. This company already has 98 registered patents for cutting-edge voice and sound recognition technology… And has lined up major partnerships with Honda, Netflix, Pandora, Mercedes Benz and many, many others. So if you missed out on Microsoft when it first went public back in 1986… This could be your shot at redemption. Click here now for the full details of this $6 stock that's set to rocket in the AI revolution…