How Biden’s $1.5B Investment Can Grow Your Account

Is THIS why Elon Musk left ChatGPT? (100X BETTER!)


Hey, it's Colin… Elon Musk co-founded OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. Musk later left OpenAI… and created his own independent AI startup. And Elon's AI promises to be 100 times stronger than ChatGPT. Because ChatGPT only works online. While Elon's AI works in the real world. You can see and touch Elon's AI: see the real-life demonstration here. Since ChatGPT has already grown 42 times faster than the internet… The sky's the limit for Elon's AI. Here's the key fact: with Elon's three earlier startups… PayPal… SpaceX…and Tesla… You could've turned $300 into $647,000. Can Elon do it again with his AI startup? See for yourself right here in a shocking 2-minute live demonstration of Elon Musk's AI. Click here to watch the demo

By Jeff Siegel,

Environmentalists swear that clean energy isn’t too expensive to pursue.

But that’s not always true.

In fact, last week we got word that the Feds have agreed to pony up $1.5 billion for a single “clean energy” power plant in Michigan.

That’s billion — with a “B.” 

And this isn’t even new construction. 

This is actually $1.5 billion just to restart a 50-year-old nuclear power plant that couldn’t compete with other sources of energy, so it was decommissioned in 2017.  In some cases, the power from this power plant cost 57% more than competing sources.

In an honest free market, such a thing would never happen.

But let’s be honest.  As much as we like to talk a good game about free market capitalism when it comes to energy, there’s no free market.  There never has been.  But this one is particularly absurd.  Because not only are the Feds shelling out $1.5 billion to restart this old power plant, but the state is pitching in another $150 million too.

And on top of that, the power company that has agreed to buy power from this power plant is seeking funding from the Feds as well.  Just so it can afford the power that will be produced at this power plant.  

Even the company that owns the old power plant announced that it would’ve decommissioned the site had the Biden administration not handed over all that filthy lucre. 

Still, the U.S. government has decided that this is a good use of $1.5 billion. 

It’s absolutely absurd.  Especially when you consider that 13 nuclear reactors have closed down in the past ten years, due primarily to the fact that traditional nuclear power simply can’t compete with cheaper natural gas and renewables.  Even the Department of Energy has gone on record, saying that roughly half of the nation’s nuclear reactors are at risk of closing due to economic factors.

But this isn’t necessarily a critique of the nuclear power industry.

Instead, it’s a critique of the government, once again, investing in the wrong stuff.

While Biden seems to have a hard-on for restarting a 50-year-old nuclear power plant with 1.5 billion taxpayer dollars, the industry itself is actually moving away from those relics of the nuclear power past, and moving toward the future with small modular reactors (SMRs).

If you’re unfamiliar, SMRs are advanced nuclear reactors that only provide about one-third the generating capacity compared to conventional nuclear power reactors.

Despite the smaller size, SMRs can be built in fleets, thereby providing just as much, if not more generation capacity as the older, outdated nuclear power plants. 

They’re also much cheaper to build and maintain.  Subsidies aren’t even necessary to get these things up and running. Which is why so many governments are actively investing in, and building, new fleets of SMRs.  China, the U.S., Russia, and countries within the EU are all seeking to take the lead in SMRs.

And of course, this presents a very attractive opportunity for investors who want to make a killing in the next nuclear power bull market — which only exists now, because of SMRs. 

And if you don’t believe it, just look at the evidence for yourself.

Because make no mistake: there’s a lot of money to be made in the SMR game.  Particularly when it comes to Tri-Fuel 238, which is the fuel that is required to power SMRs.

Nvidia Could Crash Soon


The artificial intelligence (AI) boom just created one of the biggest companies in the world. I'm talking about Nvidia. The firm is worth more than $1 trillion thanks to this explosion. However, most people don't realize Nvidia just got lucky! Because for most of its history, Nvidia has been focused on an entirely different industry – video games. You see, Nvidia's chips have been designed to serve just one purpose… To create ultrarealistic graphics in games such as Call of Duty and Counter-Strike. In other words… This technology was never meant to power AI. And that's also the reason why Nvidia could soon crash and burn… Because there's a new player in town – one that owns a patent-protected chip specifically designed to run AI on. This makes it much more powerful than Nvidia's gaming tech. I'm talking about a 100x performance boost. The U.S. Air Force, Cisco, and Raytheon are just some of this firm's early elite clients. But soon this chip will be available to the mainstream… And if you position yourself before it reaches the mass market, you could turn every $1 into $120… Just like early Nvidia investors did. Keith just published an urgent presentation on this unique opportunity. Inside, he explains all the details and how you can position yourself today. Get the full story here while there's still time